Refund Policy

Booking cancellation and payment refund policy.

Booking cancellations are allowed if the cancellations are made before any design and printing process are executed. Cancellation charges and refund rate will be charged as below:-

a. Cancellation before the design and printing process are executed.
– Money will be refunded in full amount after deducting the payment charges.
– Valid if the cancellations are made within 3 days after placing the booking.

b. Cancellation after the design process is carried out
– Money will be refunded after deducting the design cost between RM10 – RM50.

c. Cancellation after the printing process or after 3 days you make order.
– Your money will not be refunded

Each refunds will be deducted the fpx, visa or master card payment charges. Refund timeline are between 3-7 working days.
Any bookings cancellation can be contacted vis email [email protected]

Kad Kahwin Bajet. Serendah RM45. Free Sampul. Siap sepantas 3 hari bekerja.
